• The Primal Screamer by Nick Blinko Book
PM Press
Pages : 122 pages (6 oz)
Size : 5.5" x 8.5" x 0.5"
Publisher: PM Press
A gothic horror novel about severe mental distress and punk rock, this narrative is written in the form of a diary kept by a psychiatrist, Dr. Rodney H. Dweller, concerning his patient, Nathaniel Snoxell, brought to him in 1979 because of several attempted suicides. Snoxell gets involved in the anarchist punk scene, and begins recording songs and playing gigs at anarchist centers. In 1985, the good doctor himself “goes insane” and disappears. This semi-autobiographical novel from Rudimentary Peni singer, guitarist, lyricist, and illustrator Nick Blinko plunges into the worlds of madness, suicide, and anarchist punk. H. P. Lovecraft meets Crass in the squats and psychiatric institutions of early 1980s England. This new edition collects Blinko's long-sought-after artwork from the three previous incarnations.