• Deathgrave "So Real It's Now" LP
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Forged in 2013, DEATHGRAVE initially united as four friends with a simple need to play bleeding, belligerent, and pissed off grindcore/powerviolence in the vein of Siege, Rudimentary Peni, and Napalm Death with an Impetigo twist. Comprised of longtime scene veterans, DEATHGRAVE is Wilkinson alongside drummer Matt Thompson, bassist Fern Alberts (Amber Asylum, ex-Bird, ex-Ringwurm), and vocalist Andre Cornejo (Cyanic, ex-Bird, ex-Casket Blaster). The band has obliterated venues throughout California as well as the Pacific Northwest, Southwest, and Mexico with their pulverizing live sets sharing bills with the likes of High On Fire, Graves At Sea, Yob, Dispirit, Ghoul, Spectral Voice, Noothgrush, Undergang, Incantation, Eyehategod, Necrot, and so many more